Sunday, November 23, 2014

Researching and Writing Like Crazy

Filling in our Graphic Organizer about our Civilization


Writing our Flash Drafts of our Research Report

Morn Flash Drafting with our Research

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Mummification contest!

First Place!
Tied for First Place!

Second Place!
Also Tied for Second Place!

Third Place!
Tied for Third Place!

Most Hard Working Group!

Thumbs Up Awards:

LOVE the breathing tube!

Ghost Buster in Action!


Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Launching our Major PBL Project!

Today 6th grade had a very special guest visit to help kick off our PBL Project!

Here are some pictures from the day!

Our special guest standing up

Saying "Hi" and introducing our project!

Special ending...

Some Gangnam Style! 

We watched a video clip of this TV show
Kid Entrepreneurs invented a steering wheel to
 alert drivers when they are distracted

Our PBL Driving Question!

Students formed groups to generate questions they had at this point like the ones above!