Mrs. Everts

Welcome to Mrs. Everts Page

Welcome to 6th grade. I am so excited to be starting a new school year here at Willow Field.  I want to share a little about myself.  This is my 14th year teaching.  I have spent most of my career teaching first graders, however, I have taught kindergarteners and I looped with two of my first-grade classes up to second grade.  This will be my 4th year at WFE and teaching sixth graders.  I completely enjoy building relationships with kids!   I am an alumnus of Liverpool and am proud to be able to give back to the community that gave so much to me.  
A passion of mine is running. I ran for Liverpool all 4 years of high school (x-country, indoor track, and outdoor track).  I was able to continue to run while I was at Cortland State.  After collage, I coached track for a few years up at the high school.  I am glad to be able to coach here at WFE for the 5th & 6th graders for the FUN RUN!

As a kid reading and writing were extremely hard for me.  I have fond memories of my father reading to me, however, I just was not one to pick up a book and read.  I did, however, write a lot.  I have many journals of my thoughts and stories and poems from when I was a kid.  As I read more it became easier and I have started to enjoy reading.  I do try and read when I have the time.  I have two young children, Timmy who is 5 1/2 (who is in K here at WFE) and Addi who is almost 4. You can find me journaling still.  I write about my life with my family and all the stories I want to remember about my children so that they can read it one day.  

When I do have time to pick up a book I enjoy reading Nicholas Sparks books. 

My goal this year is to teach my students the love of learning.  It looks different for each person and I hope that I help each of my students find out more about themselves through reading and writing.  I hope they become more confident in themselves as individuals.  I want to share what I know but I want to learn about what they know and what they can teach me too.  I want to coach them to get more out of them than they ever thought possible because I know they can.  

Here's to a year of learning and growing!!!

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